This is the perfect ham recipe for the holidays! My mother taught me how to make this brown sugar glazed ham and we have enjoyed it for years! It only has a few ingredients and the recipe is so easy…
Easy and Quick Christmas Crack with 4 Ingredients
OH MY GOODNESS!!!! Y’all need to definitely try this recipe! My daughter made this for me and I had never tasted just sweet goodness in ALL my life! This candy could or will be so addicting that you will be…
What to Eat With Green Bean Casserole? Best Side Dish
My husband, Gerald, loves Green Bean Casserole. Every year, around Thanksgiving and Christmas this is a dish that he starts talking about. Usually, I never hear him say anything about it, except around the Holidays. “What to Eat With Green…
Santa Hat Bugels
These little Santa Hat Bugels are so adorable! This is a Christmas candy that the kids will love to make every year at Christmastime. This recipe is very simple to follow and the kids will be able to easily make…
Easy Cranberry Sauce
This is definitely not your can shaped, jelly looking cranberry sauce that we all know as kids. As a kid my mom would always open a can of cranberry and add it to our Thanksgiving and Christmas dinners. To be…