If you need a quick and easy Summer Salad this Italian Cucumber & Tomato Salad recipe will be perfect. With only a few ingredients and a couple of minutes you can pop this salad in the refrigerator and it will make a delicious side dish to any meal.
This recipe could easily be a Keto or low carb meal. You can make your own dressing and here’s a link for that recipe Cucumber Tomato Salad. However, I found an easy and quicker way! I bought some Italian dressing at Aldis and my family loved it! Aldis has 2 Italian dressing. A regular Italian dressing and a zesty Italian dressing and they both are great.
Here is a great idea to add a protein into the salad, this will make this salad into a complete meal with the added protein.
- can of chicken breast
- crumbled cooked bacon
- chopped ham or turkey
- pepperonis
Another delicious Summer recipe to add to your menu is
Parmesan Squash & Tomatoes This recipe came about due to the abundance of squash and cherry tomatoes from our garden.
Every year my family plants a garden which begins in February, because the first veggie that we plant are onions. Then in the Spring we will plant tomatoes, cucumbers, peppers to name a few. So, this recipe is a favorite, plus it is a healthy meal.
It is so rewarding to plant a seed or a plant and watch it grow into a plant that produces vegetables. These are vegetables that we can grow at home with no chemicals, plus no shopping at the local supermarket which is a big extra benefit.
Growing your vegetables or fruit takes your time, work and a little patience, but the rewards are huge. This is Gabriel or Little Gabors as we call him. He loves to run thru the garden barefoot after we have tilled the ground. It is so sweet to watch him as he tenderly places a little onion into the ground and then he gently scoops the dirt up around the plant. Then, of course, he loves to water. I’m not sure what gets more wet the plant or him, but he has a good time and that’s all the matters.
Benefits of Gardening
Besides the benefits of growing your own food, a garden as many other benefits:
- family time
- Sunshine (plenty of Vit. D)
- less screen time for the family
- a sense of accomplishment
- getting in the dirty and getting dirty which kids love to do
- fresh air
- teaching your children about life sustanability
- exercise and plenty of it
- science lessons (for homeschoolers)
Is Gardening Therapy? YES!
- gardening is therapy for our mental health that most people do not realize. So, it can reduce anxiety and stress levels (or it has for me ) Especially, watching for little Gabe, lol. And, here is Gabe again enjoying the dirt. All the kids love to run thru the fresh tilled dirt barefooted. And, I’ll have to admit that I also enjoy the soft cool dirt barefooted too! 🙂 These memories are so precious and they bring a smile to might heart, so yes, gardening is therapy!
But, back to this delicious recipe. This recipe has a few ingredients.
Italian Cucumber & Tomato Salad
- cucumbers
- tomatoes
- Italian dressing
- black pepper and salt to taste
Instructions (for printable instructions scroll down to recipe)
- Cut up your veggies
- Add Italian dressing
- Salt and pepper to taste
- Place into refrigerator and serve cold.
Italian Cucumber & Tomato Salad
An easy & quick recipe with only a few ingredients.
- 4 cups chopped cucumbers
- 2 cups chopped tomatoes
- 1/4 cup Italian dressing
- Salt & pepper to taste
- Cut up all veggies and place into a bowl
- Add Italian dressing to bowl with veggies and mix well
- Salt and pepper
- Place into refrigerator and serve cold.
The longer this salad is in the refrigerator the better it gets.